The hope poem- to lift up your spirits

Hope is one of the most beautiful and important things in life. When you have hope, you have everything. Here is a poem of hope, to bring you back to life and its beauty.

One of my first poems- The hope poem

At times I think, when things are not good,
At times I think, when gloom clouds my mood,
At times I think, in overwhelming pain,
At times I think when all seems in vain.

I think at times – is it worth it!
I think at times – does it all matter!

a poem of hope
Photo by Disha Sheta on

True these emotions are;
No lie that life is in shatters,
But I am living and,
and that is actually what matters.

There are people who love me;
there are those who need me.
There are mountains to climb;
there are things to be done.
There are reasons to believe that,
Life still is fun.

No matter how difficult things get; I will walk with my chin up

I will never give up.

Yes, I am hurt, I am torn apart,
but nothing stops me from making a new start.
So let’s perform duties, walk that tight rope,
because I am living and there is Hope.

I hope the hope poem helps you to find hope in your life, whenever you need it.

Thank you for reading.

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