35 reasons to live (when you feel suicidal)

Hey, we want to help. Life is hard, and sometimes, it gets so hard that we forget that it used to be beautiful. You are looking for reasons to live, and I will give you a few here. Please don’t give up on life, no matter how difficult it gets. Things change, and life does get better.

Sometimes, you just need small things to keep you going, small reasons to make you just a little happy. What could sustain you are the beautiful moments that you may have overlooked, but they are there for the taking. A few reminders help when we forget the beauty of life, sometimes, in artistic ways, such as adding a personalized design customized into artistic Metal Pins. While you wear it on your chest, you can always remind yourself of your reason for living.

Without any further ado, You came here for reasons to live. You may be wondering why should I live when life is so hard and there is no happiness. I am going to give you exactly those-reasons to live. No bullshit. No fluff. Here are reasons to stay alive. Some of these are deep, and a few are just regular everyday reasons to live, but reasons to live, still.

1. Life is beautiful

You need reasons to live. This is it. Life may look quite hard right now, but if we give time, and effort, it is just beautiful. We have made it too complex by expecting too much of ourselves and that of people around us. There is no much beauty in life only if we slow down and care to see. From the morning, when the sun rises to night when it is pitch dark, life is a beautiful miracle that we tend to take for granted. We are so blessed to be alive.

2. Pain is perspective

If pain did not exist, we would not know what happiness felt like, we wouldn’t find the right path to happiness, wouldn’t know what brings pain. Pain is for perspective to set us in the right direction. It is tough to see reasons to live for, when there is pain around us. However, pain is not permanent and it is there to teach us something about life.

3. Sunshine

I could live for the winter sunshine. As I write this, it is winters in my part of the world. Every day, when the sun is out, I go and face it, and let the sunshine wash over my face. I can’t currently travel because of the corona virus but I would ideally go to a beach and let the sunshine wash all my body while I lie on the sand on the shore.

Make hay while the sun shines.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

4. Hope

Hope is one of the most beautiful words in language. Life goes up and down like a roller coaster. Whenever it goes down, there is hope that it will go up again, and we would be happy.

5. Love

Love is one of the most important reasons to be alive. Being in love with someone we care about feels beautiful. Being in love with work we care about feels beautiful. If you aren’t in love, you need to be.

Love makes life worth living.
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels.com

6. Tea

I love drinking tea. You may like coffee. Both drinks are available around the world easily. Tea for me is reflection drink. I think about life when I drink tea. It is not just a drink for me. It is my friend, and I like it my way.

7. Wine

Wine is a bit of an expensive reason to live, but a beautiful one. A great glass of red wine can make you forget all the problems of life. As you drink it slowly, it drinks you back.

8. Happiness feels beautiful

When you are happy, it is a beautiful feeling that washes your soul, and makes you feel like living and making the most of life. If you aren’t happy right now, wait, and work, you will be.

9. You can make others happy

The opportunity to make others happy is huge. That’s my reason to write this blog. It gives me a reason to stay alive. You can also add joy to other people’s lives, just by doing what you are good at, in a productive way. What a reason to live, that is.

10. Books

Books are a reason to live.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

There is so much to learn about the world that we can finish our entire lives and we would not be done. Books are a pure delight, and if you cultivate the habit of reading, you will never get bored of life.

11. Health

Have you ever felt at the peak of your health-physical, mental, and emotional? It feels great. If you are not in a peak state of health, work towards it, and you would know once you achieve it, that it feels great to be in great state of health.

What feels great is a reason to be alive.

12. Travel

Travel makes life worth while.
Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels.com

Travel is beautiful. We don’t control which part of the world we are born in. However, thanks to modern means of transportation like air travel, we can travel to any part of the world. I haven’t yet seen most of the world, and I hope, before I die, I do. Travel is just one of the most beautiful reasons to be alive.

13. An opportunity to make the world a better place

Life is an opportunity to make the world a better place, a happier place. The world is not an ideal place right now, and there are so many things that need to be fixed. So many people in the world right now are poor, uneducated, hungry and in various sorts of pain. If you live, you may be able to take on one of these problems and solve them in your own unique way, thereby making the world a better place in your lifetime. You may leave a legacy that may last beyond your life.

14. Work out

Working out feels great.
Photo by Allan Mas on Pexels.com

The great thing about trying to stay on top of your health is that it can be done through a way which feels great by itself. You could use any form of work out you like-running, gym, swimming- all of that feels great. You push yourself and you come back feeling great. Like we said earlier, what feels great is a reason to be alive.

15. Family

Family is a great unit which is a source of joy for a lot of people. We are born into a family and once we get married, we create another family. If your family is a loving and a happy unit, it is a worthwhile reason for existence.

16. Sexual activity

Sex with someone you love makes you happy
Photo by Adam Kontor on Pexels.com

Sex with someone you feel drawn towards emotionally feels great. It is one of the primal needs of the body and when you are in love, it is one of the best ways to find physical pleasure in the world. If you haven’t found anyone who loves you yet, you can still masturbate and feel what an orgasm feels like. It is a good reason to be alive. While at it, I hope it’s adults who are reading my blog.

17. Work

Do what you love.
Photo by Amina Filkins on Pexels.com

Did anyone tell you that work is meant to be pain? I know, that’s how most of the society looks at work, and that is why most of the society is unhappy. Work is meant to bring joy, meaning and purpose to our lives, and not pain. When you do work that is in line with who you are as a person, your identity and your work will become one thing and then work will only give you joy. Work is one of the most important reasons to live, only if we approach it rightfully.

18. You are beautiful and unprecedented

I can’t tell you why you should live enough. You should live because there is just nobody like you. The society sucks. F*** society.  There is absolutely nobody quite like you. There may be people similar to you, but there is absolutely no one in the world who looks like you, behaves like you, feels the world like you. You are a unique person who brings his or her own uniqueness to the world. You deserve to flourish and share who you are, with the world, in your own different way.

The problem with the society is that it tells that we are all the same and pushes us into a meaningless rat race where we lose our fucking identities. We are meant to preserve our identities so that the world knows what we stood for, while we were alive.

Wouldn’t you want to do that? Then, you need to live.

19. You are not lonely

I know. Sometimes, it does feel that we are lonely and nobody really cares for us. But, that’s not true. While we live, we do accumulate some positive relationships. Even the seemingly meaningless world of social media isn’t that cruel. There are people willing to help if you ask for help. Try asking for help, and ask everyone you can think of, who may be willing to help. There are good people in the world, and someone would be willing to lend you a hand.

You are not alone.

20. Hugs

Hugs heal. Hugs are reasons to live.
Photo by Nicole Michalou on Pexels.com

There are just so many people to hug. Hugs can cure relationships. They can cure mental illness. Hugs can cure diseases. Hugs can make the world a better place only if they last long enough and we could press harder.

21. Beaches, and mountains

Beaches and mountains are both beautiful in their own ways.
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Besides the philosophical idea of travel, there is the physical part of it. Beaches are gorgeous and can take away a lifetime’s pain. Mountains are so peaceful that they can fill emotional voids with their warmth. They are reasons to live for.

22. Laughter

Laughter is the sound of life in you. It is a beautiful reasons to live.
Photo by Alex Green on Pexels.com

Have you heard the sound of your laughter lately? That’s the sound of life in you. When you laugh, your life laughs and you are happy in that moment. Laughter is a beautiful reason to be alive-and not just yours.

23. The future could be beautiful

May be you are going through a rough phase right now, and you came here to look for reasons to be alive while you are in a painful period. If that’s the case, I want to tell you to hold on, and keep doing whatever you can to come out of your situation. Just hang in there, even if you can’t move much. Crawl, if you can’t walk. Walk, if you can’t run. You need to keep looking for a better future, and if you do, sooner or later, it will emerge.

24. Giving up on life is not an option

Giving up on life is not an option. You need to count that out. There are people who have gone through incredible amount of pain for a large duration of their lives, and they have emerged successful, just because they did not give up on life. The only failure there is, is giving up, and why would you give up, when there are so many reasons to live?

25. Parents

No matter how your family is, your parents worked hard to raise you up, and they would want to see you lead a happy life. Even if you take a little longer to succeed at the goal, you must keep trying till you do.

26. Life is a gift

Life is precious. Love your life. It will give you several reasons to live.
Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com

Think about it. You did not earn life. Your parents had reproductive sex, and you were born as a consequence. You did not quite decide to be born. Life was given to you by nature as a gift. Why would you squander a gift that you should be cherishing instead?

27. Money

Although money is not the purpose of life, but we can still buy a lot of things with money that make life more enjoyable and pleasurable. When you make a lot of money, which you could, even in a few years of hard work, you would be able to afford a better quality of life. If you don’t give yourself a chance at life, how would you enjoy the things money could buy for you?

28. Purpose

Find purpose in life. It will give you many reasons to live.
Photo by James Wheeler on Pexels.com

Maybe you feel disconnected with life because there is no purpose in your life. It is our responsibility to find our life’s purpose and then lead our lives in line with that purpose. When we have purpose in our days, life appears meaningful and worth living. This is one of the best things you can do to your life. When you have purpose, you won’t be struggling to find reasons to live.

29. Sleep

A good night's sleep is a luxury. Won't you live for it,
Photo by u0410u043bu0435u043au0441u0430u043du0434u0430u0440 u0426u0432u0435u0442u0430u043du043eu0432u0438u045b on Pexels.com

One of the best ways to sleep well is to make yourself so physically and mentally tired that you end up sleeping like a baby, unconscious of the world around you. A good night’s sleep is one of the greatest pleasures, and necessities of life. A lot of people struggle with sleep, and that’s because they can’t put meaningful activity in the rest of the days. When the mind and the body is exhausted, sleep becomes easy and beautiful.

30. Rain

Rain feels like life.
Photo by Gabriela Palai on Pexels.com

Have you felt the raindrops drop on your skin? If you haven’t, you must. You would feel like living again. Rain is one of the most beautiful inventions of nature. It looks beautiful. It feels beautiful. Nature itself has so many beautiful creations within itself that it makes us want to live.

31. Music

Music is life giving. It's a beautiful reason to live.
Photo by Ekaterina Bolovtsova on Pexels.com

We missed music for so long in this list. Music is lovely. If you enjoy listening to music, you should do so. If you enjoy singing, you should immerse. There are so many genres of music that you could just keep exploring and never end. You could also dance. When was the last time you danced?

32. Food

Food is a source of joy and one of the easiest reasons to live.
Photo by Sam Lion on Pexels.com

Don’t you love food? If you love food, there is just so much to eat and so much to explore. There is joy in food, there is culture, and there is variety in food. If you love food, there is no way you can allow yourself to get bored, because food isn’t just meant to fill our stomach, but entertain us.

33. Culture

There are so many different cultures in the world. People speak differently, eat differently, and look differently. There is just so much to learn from different cultures, and celebrate life with them. The more we immerse in diversity, the more enriching life becomes.

34. Life is not pain

Life is not meant to be painful. Work is not meant to be painful. Relationships are not meant to be painful. We are meant to be happy. The problem is that the current narrative revolves around pain and survival. We need to change that.

May be, you need to change that. Will you start by changing your own life?

35. You matter and your life matters

Your life matters.
Photo by Eternal Happiness on Pexels.com

You matter and your life matters. Your story is new to the world and you can make it worth writing about. May be things did not go right until now. You can fix them, and live your life as if it matters. If you do that, there is a high likelihood that your life would matter.

These are a few reasons to live. You may tell me, Amar, you don’t know anything about my life. My life is way too hard. May be, it is. However, these reasons are a good start for you to look at your life, and find your reasons to live. We all need reasons to live and we must find them.

Thank you for reading.

The purpose of this blog to help you find your happiness. Please read the other posts on the blog, and follow so that you get updates when new posts are published. Please share any posts you like with your friends so that they can also find their happiness. If you have any feedback for me, please leave it in the comments and I would be happy to work on it. If you would like to support my writing and this blog, you may please send a donation through PayPal here.

I appreciate the time you spent in reading the blog and wish you happiness.



*The post contains sponsored links to help sustain the blog financially.

5 thoughts on “35 reasons to live (when you feel suicidal)

  1. As someone who found this page because I’m contemplating suicide, this is the most pretentious, contradictory load of horse shit I’ve ever read.
    Half the things on this list are the reason most people want to kill themselves.
    “Oh but hey, what about money? It’s worth staying alive for money because if you make a lot of it you’ll get to spend it and that’ll be nice,”
    Piss off and stay in your lane.

      1. I work three jobs to live in the place I grew up in which is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. However, for over a year, I have not been able to engage in a single satisfying trip to the beach, nor alone on a walk to look for sea glass (I did this for the covid.) I am so alone and if you the women here, no joke 100% about money. Why live for 100% work and no real love but $?

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