Age is just a number-stop caring about it

Mark Twain was right. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. If you do mind, it would matter. I plead with you to not let age matter. Too many people in the world are living grim, monotonous, dull and clumsy lives just because they think that they are too old to change and learn to live a new kind of life. They think they are too old to find love. They think they are too old to start a new career in an area they are actually passionate about. Don’t let that person be you. Do not let age matter. Age only matters when you are dead. Continue reading Age is just a number-stop caring about it

10 ways to create happiness now!

There we are, talking about why you must not wait to be happy. Hey, I request you to not wait. I exhort you. I am 39, and frankly, I have seen many people die who were younger to me, and I know that death could be around the corner anytime. You know it, too. By the time you reach the point where you want to do the things that make you happy, there may not be any time left. So, please stop waiting to be happy. Be happy today. There is every reason to. Continue reading 10 ways to create happiness now!

Passion: Definition and 20 Steps to find your Passion

Schools, colleges, corporate lives make a clone of us human beings and we forget our individual identities in the process. To be able to understand who we are, and find our calling is an achievement. To be able to turn that calling into a career is the greatest professional achievement in the world that only a handful of people achieve. To be able to do that is success, and happiness. Continue reading Passion: Definition and 20 Steps to find your Passion