The smoking poem- for smokers

smoking poem

The smoking poem is for smokers and for those who don’t smoke, and what they must be missing. The purpose of the smoking poem is to give a sarcastic account on what every non-smoker is missing out on- the experience of a lifetime.

Sometimes I wish
I was a smoker

The pace of life won’t matter to me
No matter what the rate
I could just stand in a corner
And go in a trance kind of a state

I would see the smoke go by…
When a fellow smoker would come
I would smile and say hi
He or she would ask, ‘got a light?’
And then a few would join
A few moments later
the whole place would be engulfed
In a fog of white

Sometimes I would hold a fag with tea
Or, with coffee
Sometimes… may be whisky

No problem would be tough,
I would then be a tough bloke
Oh, If only
I could ever smoke

Oh, God, but I can’t do it
Just don’t feel like it, oh shit!

I know it’s not done
Oh, i miss so much fun!
If you are reading this,

You might just think
I am such a choker, oops
Wonder why but I know
I will never be a smoker

You may like the hope poem.

Thank you for reading.

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